Container Component

The LayX Container component centers and structures content for responsive layouts, with adaptive spacing that adjusts to various screen sizes and aspect ratios. The Container also includes an optional edge-aligned grid layout for full-width content displays.


Use the container tag or .container class to create a centered layout, or add the .edge class for layouts aligned to screen edges with designated grid columns. Here’s an example:

<container> <p>Content here...</p> </container>


<div class="container"> <p>Content here...</p> </div>
Responsive Spacing

The container adapts spacing with custom properties for different breakpoints:

  • --edge-offset-x adjusts horizontal margins:
    • Small screens (>576px): 2.5%
    • Large screens (>992px): 5%
    • Ultrawide (>2000px): 15%
    • Super Ultrawide (>3000px): 25%
Edge Mode

The .edge class transforms the container into a grid with three columns. Content defaults to the center column, but can span all columns with the .full class, making it ideal for full-width elements.

<container class="edge"> <p>Content here...</p> <div class="full"> <p>full-width content here...</p> </div> </container>
CSS code
container, .container { --edge-offset-x: .75rem; display: block; margin-inline: var(--edge-offset-x); &.edge { display: grid; grid-template-columns: var(--edge-offset-x, 0px) 1fr var(--edge-offset-x, 0px); margin-inline: unset; & > * { grid-column: 2; } & > .full { grid-column: span 3; } } @media (width >= 576px) { --edge-offset-x: 2.5%; } @media (width >= 992px) { --edge-offset-x: 5%; } @media (aspect-ratio >= 21/9) and (width >= 2000px) { --edge-offset-x: 15%; } @media (aspect-ratio >= 32/9) and (width >= 3000px) { --edge-offset-x: 25%; } }
See example

With this flexible structure, you can easily manage responsive and edge-to-edge layouts for diverse screen configurations.