Breakpoints in LayX

LayX uses a flexible and responsive grid system with predefined breakpoints that adapt layouts to various screen sizes. These breakpoints allow you to design responsive websites effortlessly, ensuring optimal layouts across devices.

Available Breakpoints
  • sm: 576px
  • md: 768px
  • lg: 992px
  • xl: 1200px
  • xxl: 1400px
  • xxxl: 1800px
  • wd: 16 / 9
  • uwd: 21 / 9
  • swd: 32 / 9

LayX’s breakpoints allow you to define different styles and layout structures based on screen width, making it simple to achieve fully responsive designs.

Usage Example

Here’s an example of how you can use breakpoints in your CSS:

/* Default breakpoints for different screen sizes */ :root { --breakpoint-xs: 0px; /* Extra small (phones, less than 576px) */ --breakpoint-sm: 576px; /* Small (tablets) */ --breakpoint-md: 768px; /* Medium (desktops) */ --breakpoint-lg: 992px; /* Large (desktops) */ --breakpoint-xl: 1200px; /* Extra large (large desktops) */ --breakpoint-xxl: 1400px; /* Extra extra large (very large desktops) */ --breakpoint-xxxl: 1800px; /* Ultra-wide (extra large desktops) */ /* Aspect ratio breakpoints */ --breakpoint-wd: 16 / 9; /* Standard widescreen */ --breakpoint-uwd: 21 / 9; /* Ultrawide */ --breakpoint-suwd: 32 / 9; /* Super ultrawide */ } /* (sm) Small devices (576px and up) */ @media (width >= 576px) { /* Styles for small devices */ } /* (md) Medium devices (768px and up) */ @media (width >= 768px) { /* Styles for medium devices */ } /* (lg) Large devices (992px and up) */ @media (width >= 992px) { /* Styles for large devices */ } /* (xl) X-Large devices (1200px and up) */ @media (width >= 1200px) { /* Styles for extra-large devices */ } /* (xxl) XX-Large devices (1400px and up) */ @media (width >= 1400px) { /* Styles for extra-extra large devices */ } /* (xxxl) XXX-Large devices (1800px and up) */ @media (width >= 1800px) { /* Styles for ultra-wide devices */ } /* Aspect ratio-based media queries */ /* Wide screens (16:9 and wider, 1800px and up) */ @media (aspect-ratio >= 16 / 9) and (width >= 1800px) { /* Styles for widescreen displays */ } /* Ultrawide screens (21:9 and wider, 2000px and up) */ @media (aspect-ratio >= 21 / 9) and (width >= 2000px) { /* Styles for ultrawide displays */ } /* Super ultrawide screens (32:9 and wider, 3000px and up) */ @media (aspect-ratio >= 32 / 9) and (width >= 3000px) { /* Styles for super ultrawide displays */ } /* (xs) Extra small devices (below 576px) */ @media (width < 576px) { /* Styles for extra small devices */ } /* (sm) Small devices (below 768px) */ @media (width < 768px) { /* Styles for small devices */ } /* (md) Medium devices (below 992px) */ @media (width < 992px) { /* Styles for medium devices */ } /* (lg) Large devices (below 1200px) */ @media (width < 1200px) { /* Styles for large devices */ } /* (xl) Extra large devices (below 1400px) */ @media (width < 1400px) { /* Styles for extra large devices */ } /* (xxl) Extra extra large devices (below 1800px) */ @media (width < 1800px) { /* Styles for extra extra large devices */ } /* Smaller than wide screens (below 16:9, 1800px) */ @media (aspect-ratio < 16 / 9) and (width < 1800px) { /* Styles for smaller than widescreen displays */ } /* Smaller than ultrawide screens (below 21:9, 2000px) */ @media (aspect-ratio < 21 / 9) and (width < 2000px) { /* Styles for smaller than ultrawide displays */ } /* Smaller than super ultrawide screens (below 32:9, 3000px) */ @media (aspect-ratio < 32 / 9) and (width < 3000px) { /* Styles for smaller than super ultrawide displays */ }

By customizing breakpoints, you can create adaptable layouts that look great on all screen sizes.