
The Sheet component provides a versatile, draggable, and customizable interface for displaying secondary content or interactive elements. It supports smooth transitions, snap points, and flexible positioning for a modern user experience.


Here is an example of the Sheet component in action:

Sheet Demo
Snap Point 2
Snap Point 3
<sheet class="bottom"> <p>Content</p> </sheet>
Useful Info

Key details for using and customizing the Sheet component:

  • CSS Variables for Customization:
    • --edge-offset-x and --edge-offset-y: Controls the edge offset for the sheet; default is 0.
    • --padding-x and --padding-y: Manages internal padding within the sheet.
    • --radius: Defines the sheet's corner roundness.
    • --bg: Sets the sheet's background color.
    • --transition: Specifies the transition effect when the sheet enters or exits the viewport.
  • Positioning and Behavior:
    • Set the initial position using utility classes: .left, .right, .top, or .bottom.
    • The default position is fixed. Ensure any custom sheet element is similarly positioned.
  • Drag Functionality:
    • Add the .draggable-area class to specify a drag handle; otherwise, the entire sheet is draggable.
    • Sheets without a .draggable-area automatically apply user-select: none for enhanced usability.
  • Additional Options:
    • Use .rounded-all to round all corners.
    • Add .no-indicator to hide the drag indicator.

The Sheet component provides the following configuration options:

  • selector (string): Default is .sheet. Targets elements to initialize as sheets.
  • draggableAreaSelector (string): Default is .draggable-area. Specifies the area used for dragging.
  • dragThreshold (number): Default is 0.4 (40% of the sheet). Determines when the sheet closes after dragging.
  • oppositeDirectionAllowed (number): Default is 0. Controls how far the sheet can be dragged in the opposite direction.
  • snapElementSelector (string): Default is .snap. Identifies elements to serve as snap points.
  • dragClose (boolean): Default is true. Enables closing the sheet by dragging.
  • keyboardClose (boolean): Default is true. Enables closing the sheet using the ESC key.
See Example