Core Concepts

Layx is a modern CSS framework built to streamline web development with a modular, flexible, and customizable system. Its core principles include:

  • Modular Architecture: Each component and utility functions independently, providing flexibility and ease of maintenance.
  • Customization: Layx is highly customizable to meet various design requirements, allowing control over layouts, components, and styling.
  • Responsive Design: Built-in breakpoints ensure optimal display across devices.
Project Structure

Layx follows a structured directory layout for organized development:

layx_project ├───assets/ ├───layx/ │ │ layx.css │ │ layx.js │ ├───assets/ │ ├───components/ │ ├───helpers/ │ ├───main/ │ ├───others/ │ └───utilities/ ├───pages/ └───index.html

Key Directories:

  • layx/: The framework's core files, including components, main styles, and utilities.
  • layx/layx.[css|js]: Imports modular CSS and JS files, bundled during the build process.
  • config/: Configuration files, tools, and preferences for Layx setup.
  • assets/: Contains all assets like CSS, JS, images, and media files.
  • assets/[css|js]/base.[css|js]: Common base CSS/JS files, added after Layx core CSS/JS in the build process, with originals moved to layx/assets/[css|js]/user_base.[css|js].
  • assets/[css|js]/pages/: For page-specific CSS/JS, minified, with originals moved to layx/assets/[css|js]/pages/.
Important Files

In layx, the key files are layx.css and layx.js. Examples:


/* Main */ @import url(main/base/variable.css); @import url(main/base/scrollbar.css); @import url(main/base/base.css); @import url(main/typography/typography.css); /* Core components */ @import url(main/container/container.css); @import url(main/layout/layout.css); /* Helpers */ @import url(helpers/layout/layout_helper.css); /* Components */ @import url(components/button/button.css); @import url(components/navbar/navbar.css); @import url(components/section/section.css); @import url(components/footer/footer.css); /* Utilities */ @import url(utilities/color/color.css); /* Others */ @import url(others/icon/icon.css); @import url(others/theme/theme.css); @import url(others/view_transition/mpa_view_transition/page_transition/page_transition.css); @import url(others/syntax_highlighter/syntax_highlighter.css);


/* Theme */ import Theme from "./others/theme/theme.js"; /* Components */ import Navbar from "./components/navbar/navbar.js"; import { Sheet } from "./components/sheet/sheet.js"; /* Other */ import SmoothScroll from "./others/smooth_scroll/smooth_scroll.js";

See Installation guide.